Saturday, March 23, 2013



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The Art Sync

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Pop Art, Thiebaud Cupcakes - Soft Pastels Value Study

Wayne Thiebaud “Cupcakes

2nd Grade                                           Soft Pastels / Colored Chalk

Students learned about Artist Wayne Thiebaud and the variety of popular “sweets” he painted including cake slices, milk shakes and everyone’s favorite… Cupcakes!  After identifying the basic shapes that make up a cupcake, students created vertical, horizontal, diagonal and curved lines to outline its parts and fill them with color. Value was then added by using both white and black chalk to highlight and darken certain areas; creating an awareness of light, space, and depth in the artwork.
ü Drawing / Sketching
ü Values

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Van Gogh "ReProds" Student Work with Oil Pastels

"Sunsets and Moons over Miami" Student Work of Paint Blending amd Value Studies

“Sunsets & Moons over Miami

4th Grade                                                                 Tempera Paint


Students learned about Value and how to create light and dark variations of colors using blending techniques of white and black paint. By choosing whether to complete a Moonscape or a Sunset, students were given an “Artistic License” to create the silhouettes of the trees and creatures lurking about. Look closely…. How many animals can you find hiding in all of these trees?
ü Values
o  Tints & Shades
ü Paint Blending Technique